We have thought of everything to help you feel your best on your wedding day. If you are planning a month in advance or just a few days here are the tips on how to prepare for the best day ever!
• We think keeping a routine is an important part of staying healthy. Write down your ideal routine and practice this a month before the wedding. Keep up with your skincare and teeth care, so you are looking your best.
• Stay hydrated! Get matching water bottles and challenge your partner to see who can drink more water throughout the day! This is a great way to prepare for the long journey traveling for a destination wedding.
• Take your multivitamins to prevent getting sick before your big trip!
• Wear your wedding shoes so they don’t give you blisters. This seems silly but the last thing you want is to not be able to dance on your wedding night.
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• Practice safe traveling. Wash your hands, use hand sanitizer, and wipe down your plane seat on the flight over.
• Pace yourself at the pre-party. Drink plenty of water and eat a balanced meal if you plan on drinking so you are feeling your best at the ceremony. We also suggest not mixing too many types of liquor to decrease the chances of a headache.
• Do yoga with your wedding party or go to the spa a few days before the wedding. You can bond and relax, it is a win-win!
• Don’t. forget to wear sunscreen. Very important, even if it’s cloudy. Getting a sunburn can leave you exhausted and won’t feel great in your wedding attire. This goes for face sunscreen too, sunglass tan lines will never be in style.
• Avoid trying too many new foods. You wouldn’t be the first person to try too many cheeses and get a stomach ache in France.
• Take a long shower the night before your wedding. Most hairdressers don’t recommend freshly washed hair on the wedding day anyway so wash your hair the day before!
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• Avoid drinking too much coffee the morning of the wedding. The last thing you need is to feel more jittery before walking down the aisle.
• Eat intentionally and colorfully! Organize a healthy breakfast on the wedding day that will set you up with sustainable energy. We think smoothies are a great way to eat on the go too!
• Try mimosas over champagne or wine over liquor on the wedding morning to really pace yourself for a whole day of celebrating.
• Spend time listing all the things you are grateful for with your girls! This is a great way to relive some special memories together and create a warm positive vibe for everyone.
• Write a thoughtful letter to your partner or family and spread some love to them too!
How do you plan to prepare to feel your best on your wedding day? Leave us a comment below to share it with us.